Psyma Health & CARE GmbH


Address: 90607 Rueckersdorf/Nuremberg, Germany

About Psyma Health & CARE GmbH

Psyma International Profile: - Exclusive focus on health related marketing research in domestic and international markets - Roots traced back to the original company founded in 1957 Today: * multinational and multilingual experts on 4 continents * part of the PSYMA GROUP (a global market research organization) * long experience in ?emerging markets? * giving us particular knowledge of trends, structure and methods Special Expertise: - Global multi-country studies - Product lifecycle management (e.g. exploratory research, new product development/in-licensing, communication, post-launch) - Ad hoc research tailored to specific needs - Handling and ergonomics (drug delivery, packaging, equipment) - Pricing strategies (ethical and OTC drugs) - Modeling and forecasting - Patient research - Image and brand development Depending on specific research needs: - Qualitative and quantitative methods (online, expert interviews, desk research, focus groups, in-depth explorations, CAPI/CATI) - Proven proprietary research modules: * Conjoint analysis * BrandScoreManager * BrandEquityManager * BrandNameManager * Psyma Scores * Product and folder clinics * Own market simulator

Company type

Full Service Market Research Agency

Professional Associations


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Other Informations

  • Founded 1993
  • Employees70 (w/subsidiaries)
  • Interviewers 150
  • Turnover EUR 15.000.000
  • Phone +49-911-99574-330
  • Fax +49-911-99574-333
Hubertus Meixner


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